IRARA Summer Street Sale

Due to popular demand, we have decided to have another IRARA street sale this year, on Sunday the 11th of June, so if you have any hidden gems in your attic, keep them and dig out the old tut you don’t want. But seriously, folks, we will be putting the word out so it will be a good opportunity to get rid of unwanted stuff and maybe pick up a bargain.

Non-members will also be able to join at the Street Sale (no, it’s not compulsory) as we have discovered it’s one of the most convenient ways for members to join or renew. Don’t forget, we now are able to enlist members from the wider area, so you don’t have to live in one of these streets to join. If you care about the same issues as we do, that’s good enough for us, and tell your friends.


Irvine Road Area Residents Association Summer Street Sale
The IRARA Summer Street Sale, sell stuff, buy stuff and sign up.


The IRARA Social Season 2017

While IRARA will always be at the forefront of protecting and enhancing our local neighbourhood, we do like to relax sometimes, and get to know people in our area better and this year we have decided to make more of an effort on the social front. So here it is, the IRARA 2017 Summer Season!

IRARA Summer Barbecue:  To be held on the Irvine Road Field. Date not yet confirmed, but probably end of August. It’s an informal get together and you will need to bring something to sit on,  and your drink. Barbecues will be in action. Watch this space!

IRARA Annual General Meeting:  Not really a social event, but still a good opportunity to meet the neighbours and keep up with what’s happening locally.  Date to be confirmed, but probably Friday September 15th at the Arclight Bowls Club, Eudo Road (on the other side of Shrub End Road behind the tennis courts). Non member are welcome and can join on the night if they want.

IRARA Half Term Litterpick:  Again, not really a social event (unless you really have nothing else going on) but a good thing to do as it keeps the place tidy for a week at least and makes us all feel better.  Date to be confirmed, but probably Sunday October 22nd for a few hours 10.30 onwards at the allotments/Shady Lane.

IRARA Quiz Night:  For the first time ever, an IRARA Quiz Night to be held at the Arclight Bowls Club. Great prizes, lots of fun for our brighter members. The rest of us losers can enjoy the cheap drinks and snacks. Date to be confirmed, depending on the venue, but hopefully in November, so watch this space.

IRARA Winter Social: The winter social event at the Arclight Bowls Club has been a successful get-together for the last two years, so we have decided to organise another one, hopefully the first week in December, but again the date will depend on the venue availability. Cheap drinks and nibbles available, again, watch this space.

As always, if you have any ideas and suggestions to help with the events, let us know. 


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